Åsa Holmberg is the new CEO of the Tyréns Group. Åsa joins us from Knowit, where she has served as Business Area Manager of Knowit Solutions since 2018 and was a member of the group management board. Åsa will replace Johan Dozzi, who is leaving Tyréns after over 6 years.
– “We in the management board are very happy that Åsa Holmberg will become the next CEO of the Tyréns Group. During the recruitment process, we were looking for a competent and committed person with experience in key positions, including responsibility for commercial results. We are confident that Åsa can combine values-based leadership with further support for the group’s development and profitability”, says Johan Dennelind, CEO of Tyréns Group.

Åsa has extensive experience in digitalization, innovation and change management, creating a culture of participation and engagement. As Business Area Manager at Knowit Solutions, she managed a business area of 1,900 employees in the Nordic region, generating an annual turnover of approximately SEK 4 billion. Åsa graduated in civil engineering from KTH and gained extensive experience as a leader and consultant in companies such as Avega, Sogeti and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.
„I am really looking forward to the further development of the Tyréns Group. From my previous roles, I bring with me valuable insights on the importance of clear direction with strategies, goals and strong leadership to drive change, development and effectively lead people and companies”, says Åsa.
Åsa Holmberg will take up the position of Chief Executive Officer no later than August 15, 2024.