Kelprojektas is changing its name to Tyréns Lietuva, and will now use the brand name ‘Tyréns’. These changes have been driven by the company broadening its array of services and becoming part of the Tyréns Group of companies.
“Kelprojektas has a rich history; the majority of Lithuania’s roads and bridges have been designed by our company’s specialists, so it’s probable that every Lithuanian has encountered the results of Kelprojektas’ work,” says Audrius Bunevičius, Managing Director of Tyrens Lietuva. “However, we have expanded our range of services, so this old name (which comes from the Lithuanian kelias and projektas, meaning ‘road’ and ‘project’) no longer fully reflects who we are.”
“By changing our name, we also aim to signify the transformations that have occurred in recent years. It’s not just our name that has changed; the organization itself has undergone significant shifts. Since becoming part of the Tyréns Group, we have concentrated on streamlining processes, minimizing administrative overheads, enhancing working conditions for employees, and expanding our activities abroad”.
“The fact that we are moving in the right direction is supported by both employee surveys and a growing project portfolio. In 2023 alone, we were assigned projects contributing to the implementation of significant infrastructure projects in Lithuania, including the reconstruction of main and regional roads, the Rail Baltica project (a rail transport infrastructure initiative aimed at integrating the Baltic States into the European rail network), the expansion of Kaunas airport, the preparation of a technical project for the surface repository engineering barrier model of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, and more”.
“Becoming part of an international group has also opened up new opportunities. This year, we expanded our Architecture Business Unit in Vilnius to provide environmental architecture services in Sweden. In addition, along with our Swedish colleagues, we launched the ‘Railway Academy’—a unique training programme in Lithuania, in which Swedish experts introduce participants to railway electrification and traffic signaling systems. After graduating from the academy, participants will gradually become involved in railway projects implemented in Sweden.”
Mr. Bunevičius also highlights the company’s ongoing commitment to nurturing and enhancing its team of professionals. The execution of complex, large-scale projects will be facilitated by the establishment of a new business unit.
“Our greatest asset is our team of experienced professionals, who consistently excel at tackling complex projects, and we remain committed to investing in their ongoing development,” adds Mr. Bunevičius. “Tasked with the responsibility for managing increasingly complex and larger projects, we aim for even smoother implementation. To ensure continuous improvement in this area, we have established a new Project Management Business Unit.”
In 2018, Tyréns, a longstanding partner of Kelprojektas and one of the largest civil engineering design companies in Sweden, assumed the role of the main shareholder in Kelprojektas. The Tyréns Group owns companies in Sweden, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, and Bulgaria. Established in 1942, Tyréns takes its name from its founder, Sven Tyrén.
With three offices located in Kaunas, Vilnius, and Klaipėda, Tyrens Lietuva employs a team of more than 170 professionals. The company specializes in designing road, railway, bridge, tunnel, airport, and port infrastructure. In addition to these services, the company also engages in environmental impact assessments, feasibility studies, geological activities, land management, geodesy, territory planning, and other related works. The company’s projects, as well as its spatial planning work, have received widespread recognition and the highest ratings.